

Publications by network members

Conference papers





Colloquium papers 2002-2004


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  The Network on Contextual Politics in Developing Countries    


CPD Resource Bank on Decentralization and Devolution in the developing world.

World Bank report: “East Asia decentralized: Making local government work”

International Crisis Group (ICG) Criticizes the Pakistani devolution process after rigging of the 2005 local elections in new report Pakistan's Local Polls Shoring up Military Rule Report published November 22nd 2005




New Book: Peris Jones and Kristian Stokke (eds.): Democratising Development: The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Leiden: Martinuss Nijhoff. Brief summary.

2nd Executive Report with early conclusions from the first two rounds of the national survey on "Problems and Options of Indonesian Democratisation", DEMOS (The Indonesian Centre for Democracy and Human Rights), Jakarta.
Abstract of the report published in Jakarta Post, January 20: "The Indonesian Democracy: Facade or under way?

John Harris, Kristian Stokke and Olle Törnquist (eds.):
Politicising Democracy. The New Local Politics of Democratisation.