Annual conferences

Research colloquium

  Network on Contextual Politics in Developing Countries!    


The 2nd Annual LPD Network Conference: Public Policies meet Local Politics

Organized by Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR)
This 2 nd annual networ conference took a critical look at how global and national policies are received, transformed and implemented at the local level. We referred to policies for development, poverty reduction, good governance, decentralisation among others. The conference revolved around three main topics:

1. Public policies meet local politics
2. Governance changes: elites and popular forces
3. Decentralisation and local governance

Speakers: (for papers, see manuscript site)

Mick Moore, IDS, Sussex (UK):
Co-production: a new way of conceptualising state - society relations?

Jeremy Gould, Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki (Finland):
Aid and politics of Poverty - a study of PRSP and political space

Neil Webster, IIS - Institute for International Studies (Denmark):
Local Politics, Poverty and Decentralisation

Zhongyi Yin,China Institute of Reform and Development (China):
Urban-rural development trends in China - Challenges for Social Reforms and Policies

AE Priyono, Willy P. Samadhi, Donny Edwin and Olle Törnquist (Demos; Indonesian Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Indonesia):
The Post-Suharto Democracy Movement

Liv Hernæs Kvanvig, Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo (Norway):
Activities of the Indonesia Programme: human rights courts, academic
cooperation, and human rights education (briefing)

Asmara Nababan, AE Priyono, Willy P. Samadhi, Donny Edwin and Olle Törnquist (Demos; Indonesian Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Indonesia):
Assessing the problems and options of Indonesia's democratisation (briefing).

John Harriss, London School of Economics (UK):
Collective Actors and Popular Representation: Studies in Latin America and India.

Carol Rakodi, IDD, Birmingham (UK):
Urban Governance, partnership and poverty. Lessons from a study of ten cities in the South.

Keith McClean, Social Development Department, World Bank (USA):
Linking communities and local governments: emerging lessons (briefing)

Einar Braathen, NIBR (Norway):
The political economy of social capital: South Africa (briefing)

Geraldo Campos, Pontífica Universidade Católica, São Paulo (Brazil)
Participatory Budgeting in São Paulo (briefing)

Kristian Stokke, University of Oslo (Norway):
Mobilisation from below for social rights (briefing)

Prabhat Datta , Calcutta University (India):
Decentralisation and people's participation in rural West Bengal

Patrick Heller, Brown University (USA):
The plasticity of participation: decentralization in Kerala India"

Bergljot Baklien, NIBR (Norway):
Formative process research on MONDEP, Sri Lanka.

Christian Jetté, UNDP Governance Centre, Oslo (Bolivia): Decentralisation and Poverty Reduction (briefing)

Arild Schou, NIBR (Norway):
Social funds - a substitute for decentralisation? (Briefing)

Kim Sedara, Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI)(Cambodia):
Local elites in Cambodia (briefing))

Shanti Nandana Wijesinghe PADRIGU, Gothenburg University (Sweden): Conflict Related Poverty and Recent Preventive measures in Sri Lanka (briefing)

Berit Aasen, NIBR, Nguyen Viet Thinh, Do Thi Minh Duc, HNPU (Vietnam):
Vietnam Local Government's role in development (Vietnam) (briefing)