Papers from network members

Publications by network members

Conference papers:





Colloquium papers (2002-2004)



  The Network on Contextual Politics in Developing Countries    


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Colloquium papers 2002-2004

Professor Kristi-Anne Stølen (SUM, University of Oslo): Democracy, Marginality and Ethnic Resurgence in Guatemala: Rational Actors and Dominating Discourses.

Professor Joel S. Migdal (Department of Political Science, University of Washington): Mental Maps and Virtual Checkpoints. Struggles to Construct and Maintain State and Social Boundaries.

Dr. Einar Braathen (Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research): District Democracy without Decentralisation - Towards a New Paradigm?

Dr. Liv Tørres (FAFO Institute for Applied Social Science): Trade Unions and the Process of Democratisation

Harald Bøckman (SUM, University of Oslo): The Background and Potential of Chinese Village Compacts

John Sidel (School of Oriental and African Studies): Local Bossism and Democracy - beyond the discourse on clientelism?

Pamela Price (Department of History, University of Oslo): Ideological Integration in (South) India: Aspects of a Political Language.

Pamela Price (Department of History, University of Oslo): Ideological Integration in (South) India: Aspects of a Political Language.

Olle Törnquist (Department of Political Science and SUM, University of Oslo): Popular Development and Democracy - with rural dimensions.

Kristian Stokke (Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo): Citizen Capacity and Democratisation in South Africa.

Arild Schou (Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research): Project Design for Research on the Local Government Reform in Tanzania

John Harriss (Development Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science): Depoliticizing Development: The World Bank and Social Capital

Stener Ekern (Norwegian Institute for Human Rights, University of Oslo): Local Democracy in Totonicapan, Guatemala.

James C. Scott (Political Science, Yale University): Hills, Valleys and Forced Resettlement in Burma.

Giles Mohan, Open University:Relocating participation within a radical politics of development
Arild Engelsen Ruud, UiO, Centre for Development and the Environment and Pamela Price, UiO, Department of History:

Electoral Politics in Highly Segmented Societies

Knut G. Nustad, UiO, Department of Social Anthropology: States as giants and as effects: a South African case

Jemima Garcia-Godos, UiO, Centre for Development and the Environment: Peasant-State Relations in Peru: The Case of Peasant Mobilization for Compensation Rights

Inga Brandell, Uppsala University, Department of Government and Stockholm University College: Frontiers, Territory and Politics - State and Nation in the Arab World and the Middle East Paper 1, Paper 2

Olle Törnquist, University of Oslo, SUM and Department of Political Science: How Shall We Assess Problems and Options of Human Rights-based Democratisation? A preliminary Approach and Questionnaire.

Lisa Stearns, University of Oslo, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights: Chinese Regional National Autonomy Law: A tool of Minority Rights Protection in the hands of Local People's Congress

Henk G. C. Schulte Nordholt, Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, Leiden: Renegotiating Boundaries: The Dynamics of Localised Politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia.
Stener Ekern, University of Oslo, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights: Visions of the Right Order: Contrasts Between Mayan Communitarian Law in Guatemala and International Human Rights law

Paul R. Brass, University of Washington, Department of Political Science: Riots and Elections

Bjørn Enge Bertelsen,
University of Bergen, Centre for Development Research:
Ambivalence and Potency:Relations between politics, violence and tradition in Mozambique

Aslak Orre, Christian Michelsen's Institute and Einar Braathen,
Norwegian Institute of Urban and Regional Research
Local Democracy-a Short-lived Experience under Neo-Patrimonialism? On the forthcoming Local Elections in Mozambique

Arild Schou, Buskerud University College/NIBR:
Community-based development programmes and poverty targeting; pro-poor accountability and leadership disciplining in Malawi

Guro Aandahl, Centre for Development and the Environment and Department for Human Geography:
For People and Environment. A Case Study of the Use and Impacts of the Narmada water in the North Gujarat Command area

Kristian Stokke, Department of Sociology and Human Geography:
Politics of Poverty Alleviation and Democratisation in North East Sri Lanka

Marianne Millstein, UIO, Department of Sociology:
Social Movements and Urban Governance in South Africa. The Struggle for Adequate Housing in Cape Town and Durban

Harold Wilhite, UIO, Centre for Development and the Environment:
Reflections on changing Consumption in Kerala