


To add your name to the CPD-mailing list send a request to the coordinator: emine.isciel at


The CPD Network's monthly newsletter with information on CPD related activites, publications and vacancies within the field. To subscribe send a request to the coordinator Emine Isciel


Network on Contextual Politics in Developing Countries (CPD)



The joint focus of the Network on Contextual Politics in Developing Countries is the ways in which politically oriented universal themes like human rights, democratisation, governance or conflicts are conditioned by contextual dynamics - formal and informal, contemporary and historical. With the increasingly important localisation of policies, contextual studies have also become a pressing need within a wider array of problems of politics in developing countries, irrespective of geographical level. This knowledge may also be a precondition for enlightened support of human rights based democratisation in developing countries.

The CPD-network is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and co-ordinated by Professor Olle Törnquist, (Department of Political Science, UiO) and Professor Kristian Stokke (Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO).

Emine Isciel is the coordinator for the Network of Contextual Politics in Developing Countries.


Rethinking Popular representation
First Conference Announcement and Invitation

Rethinking Popular Representation, scheduled to take place within the auspices of the CPD-Network at Randsvangen Hotel on Thursday and Friday, October 26-27, 2006. The theme for the conference may be classified as follows:

-The construction of demos with political inequality between citizens and inhabitants

-Fragmentation of demos and public matters

-Transformation of political representation towards depoliticised mediation

Full description of themes available here




Dan Banik (ed.) (2006) Poverty, Politics and Development: Interdisciplinary Perspectives,  Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Peris Jones and Kristian Stokke (eds.): Democratising Development: The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Leiden: Martinuss Nijhoff. Brief summary.